This is a simple guide revealing the secrets of Reiki!
You will discover the power of the transfer and channel energy for healing and mental health so that you can apply the same healing principles used for centuries! The guide is so simple that you can learn and understand the power of Reiki from home.
Once revealed the reiki secrets allow you to heal yourself or other people or animals.

Click here to read more about.

Mittwoch, 12. September 2007

An Experience Of Reiki Level I Attenuement

I got my Level I Attunement recently and have found this to be an incredible source of information. The files, database, and links have all been wonderful. I am loving the books by Diane Stein.

Yesterday I participated in a Level One Attunement. Because I have company this weekend, I decided to receive the Attunement early in the morning before anyone was up. As happened to someone else, I had just comfortably started when I heard the dogs start barking because my company had gotten up early and I was interrupted. I was waiting until last night when everyone had settled in for the night and repeated the experience of asking for the Attunement. For the second time that day I felt the influx of an incredible wave of energy complete with the sensations of burning hands and the warm, glowing feeling of being filled with energy that I always get when doing a self treatment, but much more intense. The only difference I noticed between this and the Level I Attunement that I received from a Reiki master the first time was that I did not see the waves of color. However the wave of energy was possibly more powerful than the first Attunement and I attribute this to the fact that I have been doing self treatment daily since first being attuned and it seems that the energy grows as I use it. I am signed up to receive the Level II Attunement next neek and am very much looking forward to it.

I feel as if Reiki has started me on an incredible path. I will be putting in a request to the group for Reiki in two weeks because I have convinced the education department to allow us to present a Reiki demonstration and holistic nursing booth at the fall nurses’ education fair at our hospital. My goal is to build bridges
between holistic and mainstream medical practices. I would like to ask for Reiki for the highest good on the day of our fair, but could also use positive energy to help us with the preparation in the meantime if anyone feels so inclined.

I feel priviledged to share in the experience of this group and am thankful that the path of my life has led me here.

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